Luca D. Majer
Coffee  Music  and Other Things  


If somebody thinks "gli Anni Dieci" (the "Years Ten" of the XXI century) have been an ok time, they either weren't there or must have slept through them.

Music-wise, though, this decade has not been so bad - after all. Here are four soundscapes launched in 2019. Good to wave goodbye to the TADs, the Tremendous "Anni Dieci."


Norman Rockwell


Loredana Berté


Senza pensieri




"KiTsuNe / Brian The Fox" (2019) by Future Eve

"Habitué" (2019) byDosseh

"Senza pensieri" (2019) by Fabio Rovazzi

"Norman Fucking Rockwell" (2019) by Lana Del Rey


Published on Blow Up Magazine, January 2020