Luca D. Majer
Coffee  Music  and Other Things  
WORDS OF PARADISE - LP Picture disc, Edition Telemark, 40'45"


Hayward and his two friends weave a very quiet, rumbling sound with ever-changing hues generated by the Tuning Vine drone, here used as a 3D surpeti, the mono-tone harmonium of Indian music. On such light aural fabric here come strictly acoustic whispers, mumbling graceful crescendos and diminuendos, and notes fall into fadings and unisons creating a music that is overwhelmingly - not only analogic/al but organic, a "pneumonic" music in which man vibrates in his vital breath, and a flexible, overwhelming glissando feel devoid of any Bachian well-tempered memory. We enter a world of changing notes, which for a few moments come in close contact and then leave each other, like a tired couple in a train station, and one frequency slowly abandons the other and the relationship frays in the silence.



Published on Blow Up Magazine in Italian, issue April 2019.