Luca D. Majer
Coffee  Music  and Other Things  

Soundtracks composed for theatrical piéces between 1980 and 1984.

Aurelio Gravina





Download file: IntroBZ.mp3
Brando/Zapata (Intro) - 1982
Luca D. Majer: music, all instruments
From "Brando, Zapata: coscienza al diavolo" (1982)
Download file: Natura_matrigna.mp3
Natura matrigna - 1982
Aurelio Gravina: voice
Luca D. Majer: music, all instruments
From "Riccardo III" (1982)
Download file: CrapeaudBarbu.mp3
Crapaud Barbu - 1983
Music: Luca D. Majer; lyrics from Alfred Jarry
Silvia Coen: Voice
Luca D. Majer: Keyboards
From "Artine/Haldernablou" (1983)